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Earth Gaze

Earth Gaze is an immersive experience inspired by the "overview effect", or the life-changing perspective that astronauts experience when they witness the earth from  space. 

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Timeline: 2 weeks
in collaboration with Dan Barstow

former Senior Education Manager of the International Space Station US National Lab

Brief: utilise the abundant footage from the International Space Station to inspire people around the world

Direction: a temporary immersive experience for urban art festivals


Astronauts in the ISS have the unique opportunity of seeing Earth from an out of this world perspective. This amazing view can inspire astronauts with a new perspective on the world, and Earth Gaze allows visitors here on Earth to get a sense of that amazing experience of space.

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Visitor Experience

Visitors are invited to remove their shoes at the bottom of the stairs and enter the dome to experience Earth Gaze. The soft floor encourages visitors to sit or recline so that they can fully immerse themselves in the all-around projection. A ramp allows for accessible entry to the dome experience.

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Materials and Construction

The materials chosen were selected primarily for their low price and ease of assembly, since the installation is temporary. 

Eight projectors are installed at the base of each supporting beam to seamlessly cover the inner dome with footage of Earth.

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